A footstep is the sound or mark that is made by someone walking each time their foot touches the ground.
I watched The Pact of Silence (Graham Guit-2003) last night. Cinema once a great from of art for me became an inferior one after I lived some years of my life in North America and witnessed the brutality of commercialization and boredom of it. I saw mass of people including myself going to movie theatres to exchange that little cash in their pocket for “some entertainment” and to find something to talk about in their conversations. The Pact of Silence, however, reminded me of old days when I used to think about my favorite movies, delve into their worlds in my daydreams and respect cinema as a great form of art. It seems whenever faith and love are interwoven in a dark setting, I become forgiving to a movie and dragged to its world and so was it with the Pact of Silence.
Gaëlle is a Jesus living in our time; and perhaps she is even better than Jesus. She sacrifices herself to be so far and remote from the society and not to be appreciated by whom she did this for. Joachim is a man of principles. A man that years of self-discipline has given him the power to hear the sound of his heart despite all other things surrounding him. Should it be surprising that the main characters of this movie are so quite and the whole movie is about silence? No. If these two people don’t deserve to find shelter and love in each other, who does? But one question remains to be answered: who is Sarah? Sarah suffers too. She deserves to be loved and love too but what does she gain at the end?