
A footstep is the sound or mark that is made by someone walking each time their foot touches the ground.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Although Aljazeera is on its way to become a major news outlet, for years in the west (especially after September 11), it was looked upon as an organization funded by the Islamists who have an anti-western agenda. It was not until 2009 that Canada gave Aljazeera permission to broadcast in its territory. Israel still controls Aljazeera's activities depending on how the network portrays the actions of the government. For a long time, I believed somewhat passively that there are some truth in these claims. The last Iranian election, however, changed my mind. I saw an unbiased coverage from Aljazeera that did not take side with those had a more strict interpretation of Islam and those who did not cherish democracy. Now, with the events in Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries, it seems that Aljazeera again provides an unbiased coverage of the events. At the end, Aljazeera proved to be a better catalyst for changing the landscape in the Middle East than going to war.

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